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Creative Futures scholarship

The American Advertising Federation is over 40,000 members strong and we are committed to the growth and progress of the industry as a whole. That means recognizing the lack of diversity within certain roles at the agency level and understanding that the pursuit of creative passion is often a luxury not afforded to everyone.


Here in Miami, we are not immune nor naïve to the disparity we live amongst. Our city offers luxury and hardship, opportunity and limitations. The system we live and work in is governed by many factors we cannot begin to control or alleviate – socio-economic, cultural, institutional, etc. But, as a club that is committed to the progress of creativity and equal opportunity for all, we aim to make this small step in alleviating some of the financial burden around the next generation’s objective of a career in the creative industry.


That’s why we are introduced the Creative Futures Scholarship. Over the past two years, we have been able to we raised $16,000 with the generosity of the Miami Advertising Community.


We have received donations both large and small, and hosted fundraising events to get us to our goal.


School Supplies


  1. Teachers in Title 1 high schools in some of Miami’s most underserved neighborhoods nominate graduating students that have shown an aptitude and skill for creative roles, whether design, writing, illustration, multimedia, or others.

  2. The AAFMiami Board reviews the nominations, as well as samples of the student’s work, and plans for the future.

  3. Winner (or winners) are selected based on merit and skill. Scholarships are awarded at the end of the year.



creativE futures

Meet our 2020 Scholarship recipients

Maria Flores

Miami Lakes

Educational Center


Khaled Blackmon

Miami Lakes

Educational Center


Djamel Lhermitus

Miami Edison 

Senior High

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I want my career to be something that is challenging, interesting, and makes a difference in people’s lives on a daily basis.

My creative skills will help me by expanding my mindset for that particular career, it will help me come up with unique ways to create what I need to make a difference in this country.”

Johnnika Dorcely, 2019 Creative Futures recipient

We'd sincerely like to thank our 2020 sponsors
REPUBlica havas
yellowhouse consulting
Henry Gomez
Michelle VanTine Photography
Natalya Spicker
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